2023/2024 Legislative Biennium (Copy)

2023-2024 Legislative Biennium

2023 Legislative History:

This is the link to the legislative webpage for the House and Senate Education Committees. All activity of the committee is listed here. You will find links to their weekly agenda, previous meetings, and the livestream. You can watch current testimony or recorded testimony.

If you are not already on VHEN’s email list, please consider joining so that you receive information in a timely fashion. To join got to: https://vhen.org/email-list

4/4/2024 - Homeschoolers Day at the State House

3/13/2024 - Success at the State House

3/12/2024 - AOE Testimony about end of year assessment and hearings


03/01/2024 - AOE counters with annual submission of assessments


03/01/2024 - ALERT - Senate Ed wants to put guardrails on homeschooling back


7/17/2023 - AOE Forms are almost ready!

7/07/2023 - Meeting with the Secretary of Education

6/16/2023 - Zoom meetings on new home study law including links

6/15/2023 - WE HAVE A NEW HOME STUDY LAW ——-- This is VHEN’s unofficial copy of the new law. There is no official version of it out there yet. Please join the VHEN email list: https://vhen.org/email-list

5/23/2023 - VHEN draft of the new home study law should the governor sign it

5/23/23 VHEN Update – Home Study H.461 still with Legislative Council

5/12/2023 Email List - Update on Home Study legislation

5/03/2023 Email List - VHEN Update – Home Study H.461 moves to the floor of the Senate

5/02/2023 - H.461 as passed by Senate Education

4/27/2023 Email List - Update on Home Study legislation

4/20/2023 Email List - Update – I proposed an additional change to the AOE

4/18/2023 Email List - Updated draft is available – no action needed

4/14/2023 Email List - Update on Senate Ed H.461 home study changes

4/11/2023 Email List - Committee Comments made in Senate Ed

4/04/2023 Email List - Home Study’s Religious Exemption

3/28/2023 Email List - Testimony in Senate Education on H.461 - home study changes

3/18/2023 Email List - Update on home study legislation – H.461

3/11/2023 Email List - As passed by the House

3/03/2023 Email List - New email list setup